Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hey, da baseball...

Knuckleheads, I apologize this was not posted yesterday. You see, what had happened was, I got a new kitten and I had all these kitten chores and then it was like midnight...yada yada yada...

Okay, for tonight, check out this video about baseball in Japan

Thoughts? Is this a good thing for the sport? Baseball is an American pastime, an American sport. What struggles might players on both sides experience? How might this help cultural exchange and understanding between nations?

How does this look in other sports? Is it fair that FC Barcelona can get players from all over the world to compete in the Spanish league?

Also, don't forget to complete your book assignments: page 650 #3 a,b,c and page 655 #3 a,b,c. Tomorrow in class we will discuss Japan and then do some artwork depicting the history of Japan.