Monday, December 7, 2009

North Africa assignments

Hi Class,

You have a lot to do for Wednesday:

1) Study for your Physical feature quiz

2) Turn in your research paper on North Africa - 1-1.5 page in length, must include bibliography. Turn in on loose-leaf paper.

3) The reading on Gaddafi and answer the following questions:

1. At what age did Gaddafi begin his rule of Libya?

2. Who did Gaddafi look to for inspiration when he was young?

3. Discuss the political system that he developed.

4. How does Gaddafi travel and why do you think he does so this way?

5. How has his upbringing affected his rule?

6. Why has he been given the title “mad dog”?

7. Discuss the advantages/disadvantages for having a one-man political leader as in this situation?