Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I ran through southwest


So, after your POLITICAL MAP TEST on Friday we will begin the flick "Persepolis". This movie is narrated through the eyes of a Persian woman reflecting upon her youth in a changing Iran. For this blog post you will research Iran and the Islamic Revolution that took place there in February of 1979.

First, read over the first part of Wikipedia's info

Second, look over the timeline of Iran

Third, read over the review of the movie that we will watch - "Persepolis"

In a non-judgmental manner we want to explore events and emotions surrounding this time period. I wonder, what do WE know about Iran and why do we know what we know? In this region how do politics and religion seem to mix and how do we, from the "Western" world view this? Are we judgmental of countries that intend to exist mixing the two? Or, are we merely judgmental of Islam? Thoughts?

Don't forget to study for your test!!!!