Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Global Warming...is it just mumbo jumbo?

Today in class we learned about factors affecting climate. Some are: wind currents, ocean currents, elevation, and zones of latitude. Another is global warming. But, how much do we really know about it? Is it a controversy or proved science. Watch the following two video clips and state your opinion. Also, pre-read chapter three, section three so you are ready for class on Thursday.

Project three due date is postponed to Wednesday October 1!!!

you tube clip

Many of you are underage to vote, to join the army, to do many things legally. So, what pull do you have with global warming. Why should people listen to your concerns? How can you influence an audience with your concerns?

Check out this site:

you tube clip part two

Please, do not watch all of this video...(unless of course you want to) I want you to focus on the first 2 and a half to three minutes. I am not intending to get you upset or to totally bring religion into geography class, but I want you to analyze a side in this issue (or controversy as some would say) of global warming. What is this man's point? How should these views be valued in society? How can conflicting views interact with this side? Is this a real opinion? How do you deal with ideas that are foreign to yours? What solutions are there to confront opposing sides? Think about it and reflect here.

We will discuss in class...See ya!


insp!re said...

I firmly believe in the issue of global warning. It really annoys me when people ignore it and just think that it is nature having a freakish period and if given time it will cool down.All i can say to people likethat is okay, let's just say that nature is just taking it's natural course. Does that still justify us burning more fossil fuels and putting out more harmful gases that speed up the process of it. It's a lose-lose situation no matter which point you view it from.
Okay and about the second video. I an a christian as well but i refuse to use my religion and its beliefs for an excuse of my actions.Yes i know that the passage in the bible exists. But that is the thing about the bible also, we don't know WHEN it is going to happen. Just because some of what we r going through seems like what is in the bible that doesn't mean that it is.It is claimed that it is too late to completely eradicate global warming but we can slow down the process of it.The guy in the video prattles on saying that there is nothing to fear, it's written in the bible that we won't die from it, so who cares? Yah we might not die from it. Maybe the process of LIVING THROUGH IT is supposed to be the punishment. Maybe the bible means that the workings will be futile because it would be a minority of the world working against a majoriy of the world in which case of course the effort would be futile...

Adam Ramesh said...

to start things off, i want to say i like the first video way better than the second video. the first video, was more easy for people our age to understand, maybe just because it was made by a kid our age. It also had better facts than the second video such as, the US is the #1 polluter in the world, 2006 was the hottest year on record, 1 000 000 spiecies could face extintion, the amount of vehichles increases by 16 million each year, and the most interesting to me, the US government has passed 0 bills to cap pollution. But, in the second video, they related global warming to the return of Christ.

People should listen to our concerns because we are the future. In 6 years, we will be the ones influencing the descisions that are made and if people don't listen and pay attention to us now, sooner or later we will be affecting the important descisions.

I myself beleive in some aspects of global warming but i dont agree with others. One thing about global warming i dont agree with is that it is entirely our fault. This summer i talked with my Uncle about global warming and he just thinks that its used in politics because where he lives, in Washington State, for the past couple years, they've had the lowest recorded tempreature for winter. But im not saying dont worry about global warming, we need to find a new source of energy, i especially like solar powered energy or hydroelectric power.

yongnak said...

whew this is tough...

People should listen to our concerns because it is us and our children that will have to deal with the consequences of global warming the most. Sure, many people probably don't care because they think it won't affect them, but they should have some regards for others. Just because we're young doesn't mean that we can't influence others. We don't have many legal rights? Well we have enough to give out messages to the public.

The man in the second video's point is that we do not need to spasm out over global warning because the bible says that the effects of it are signals of the Second Coming and that it will not destroy the earth. This idea is rather controversial and I'm sure many people would view this as ridiculous and counter it. But people should attempt to view ideas, not just this one but any new idea, through its own perspectives and beliefs.

Overall, I personally believe in global warming, if believe is the right word, but I'm not so sure about the aftermath of it--whether it will completely destroy us or whether we'll get over it.

christopher said...

Global Warming is real to thats my opinion and i respect everyone else's opinion. I think it's real because in certain parts of the world everywhere acutally the temp. is rising and yeah sure we all say wow what a few deg here and there but just add them up in the years to come , this generation are paying for it.
'' we are paying for the sins of our fathers'' .
Life as we know it is slowly becoming destroyed

Mamadou Oury Diallo said...

The 1st video was good and factaul and i agreed with everything in it..but the second video was disturbing and very doomsday like so i didnt get much information out of it. but global warming is very real and needs to be takin into view by all nations.

Unknown said...

I disagree with people that say global warming doesn't exist. I think those who say that it is nature taking it's natural course are just looking for an excuse to not be blamed for what is happening. Of course it is possible that it is not only our fault, but a big part of it is.
About the second video, i had never heard that point of view before today. I am Christian but i don't think because of that passage of the bible people should not do anything about global warming. We don't know for a fact that those are the exact words that were said, and we also don't know when that is supposed to happen. Because we are so unsure about so many things, we can't just sit there and say global warming doesn't exist.

Arnaud (J-L) said...

I believe in the issue of global warming, and i wish i had the willpower to change my habits to be more environmentally friendly. however i know that if the change started as giant steps such as governments issuing new bills, and greener lifestyle imposed by authorities, then this would make a greater difference. because the second the country starts working as one, almost everyone will participate. i also think that adults should give teenagers a say because it is our future they are deciding, all those presidents will be dead in 20-30 years, and it will be US trying to raise family, and the world that our children will grow up in is getting messed up by actions today. i think videos like this one are very good ideas to show that teenagers can take the initiative to do something about their concerns and i think this would attract a wider range of audience.

This man's message is that we are approaching the return of the messiah, and that scientist are grasping at ideas to solve the issue (true). these views should be considerated, because many people are christian, also it shows interesting evidence, because the extract from the bible actualy mentions what is happening nowadays. Whether this is a real opinion is a question of faith in God or science and personaly i try to consider ideas that are different to mine, and try to see if they may be more correct than mine. This is just another battle during the eternal conflict between science and religion, however i think that if this idea can't be proved wrong, (such as how nobody has provided proof that God doesn't exist) then it shouldn't be thrown down the drain. I guess only time will tell, whether this reporter was right or wrong

Franck Salami-Olympio said...

We know a lot of facts about global warming and the damage it could cause if we don't start to deal with it seriously. Some people don't really care about it because they think that they will be dead before the effects even show but those people are just being selfish because they don't think of their grand children or even their own children. We can influence the audience by doing creative things like the videos we watched and educating people about global warming and what it will bring. The man in the second video tries to show that jesus had predicted global warming when he was still on earth. The man from the the video beleive that jesus said it wouldn't be as bad as all the humans would think it is. I personaly beleive that global warming won't b as bad either because we have all these problems with the amount of water on earth if we let the sun melt all the water but it will be so hot that some of it will evaporate and make the rain season or something like that longer and then ... yeah. I just think it will find a way of sorting itself out

Unknown said...

I enjoyed both videos but i found the first one more intended for people our age and more enticing to watch.

I think that it is important for people to listen to our concerns because most of the consequences of the problems now will be have to be dealt by us, and our grandchildren and their grandchildren etc...

I think that for evryone to agree on this and stop fighitng and wondering if it's true or not you have to just look at it factually and that is it, don't bring your opinion into, don't bring your morality, don bring your virtues, just look at the facts and analyze it from there. If you say that the temeprature of my toilet water is 156 degrees, and we measure the temperature, and it really is 156 degrees, then you cant say that it isnt, because it is a fact that it is.

I belive in global warming as an issue, and i know i am not doing alot to prevent it but once ina while when it pops into my head ill stop myself from doing soemthing that i know is making things worse, but i know that those type of actions are minute to the scale of the problem, and that to fix the problem, the whole world must dedicate their time and money (you could just say time since time is money, meaning alot of teachers owe me money) into this issue

DJ said...

meh......hmmm. I think there are too many facts about global warming and it kinda 'makes me mad' to see people take it as a good sign, or inferring it into their religion. I hear dsome of Obama's speeches, and he plans to take action against the global warming and pollution (vote Obama :D) THe Netherlands is investing several billion euros in raising the dikes and damns all across our eastern borders, which should save us for another 100 years. overall i have only one thing left to say:



Leo said...

Global warming is the most important natural issue facing us today. All over the world, things are happening because of it. The water level of Venice is rapidly rising. Locations are getting much hotter than they were several years ago. Hurricanes, tsunamis, and other natural disasters are happening all over the world. And all because of smoke from factories and exhaust gas from peoples' cars. We need to act, and already measures have been taken. Factories have gone green. People can now buy hybrid cars. Recycling is being used more and more. And even CDs are now being made out of recyclable paper. I think we can influence global warming or not, based on our actions. For example, if we buy an expensive shirt, a lot of things have gone into that T-shirt like cotton and transportation, and if we are buying it, we have used up these other things in buying it. People should listen to us because sometimes the best ideas can come from anyone who has them.

tararariot! said...

I think that people should listen to our concerns because we are the future. We probably have a different take on things, because we will be the ones living on Earth and witnessing the effects of Global Warming, and our children will be witness an even worse earth. I think the best way to influence an audience with our concerns is with either mentioning what i said above, or to out our concerns without letting people know our age; our age is not what matters.
His main point is that we are only scaring ourselves into thinking we are causing a climate change, and that it will not destroy the earth because the Bible says so. I think that even if you believe it will not destroy the world, preserving your environment and keeping the air you breathe clean is only a good thing. The thing is, that when arguing something as controversial as global warming, and religion is involved, there is almost no point in arguing. religion is believing in something, there is no place for doubt. So if someone firmly believes that the Bible predicted what is happening right now, and it will not destroy the world, it must not be our fault, and there is no point in fighting it. I don't know if it really is an opinion. I guess it is, because it is what he thinks, and whatever YOU think, is your opinion. In general, i first oppose ideas that are foreign to mine, but if the other idea makes more sense i will do my best to agree, although (i will be absolutely honest) i do not like admitting i am wrong. i do it anyways though. I think that opposing sides need to try to convince each other that they are right, using valid points, not only religion, because religion is personal.