Tuesday, September 29, 2009

From chapters 3 to 4, what's next in store for GEO?

My peoples,

Today you were assessed of your knowledge of chapter 3 (sections 1,2, and 3). For Wednesday we will continue our study in Unit One with a in-depth look at chapter 4, section 1. This chapter deals with people and places.

First, travel to slideshare.net and view the notes on chapter 3, section 4. Answer the follow up questions at the end of the slide to turn in on loose-leaf paper on Wednesday.

Also, read chapter 4, section 1 and be prepared to discuss this section in class on Wednesday.

Finally, view the following video: India for sale

Is this okay, this cultural diffusion? Or, is it exploitation? Post a comment.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Climatically climatic climate...

Hey gang,

Here's your homework for Friday:

1) read chapter 3, section 4 - you will have your chapter 3 test next week

2) go to the following site to check out notes on chapter 3, section 3. you are responsible for the information on these notes and because of your presentations we will not go over these notes again (unless, of course, you have questions).

3) Answer the following questions on loose-leaf paper:
1. What are the two major factors that define climates?
2. What other factors influence climate?
3. What are the five general climate regions?
4. Review the climatic thematic map on page 60 and 61, how are the climates of the Northern Hemisphere different from the climates of the Southern Hemisphere?

Peace, keep up with your reading, see ya Friday!!!!

-for your own listening interests: check out the following group: ATMOSPHERE
Personally, I like the song "Yesterday"

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Earthquakes and milkshakes...

What's up gang,

in class we discussed seasons, weather, and extreme weather. Here are some questions for you to answer:

1)What is the difference between weather and climate?

2)Differentiate between the 3 types of rain.

3)Give details about 2 types of extreme weather.

For tomorrow please read chapter 3, section 2. Also, check out these videos about el nino:



Post a comment...peace!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Here come the sands...

Hi gang,

So, chapter two, finito...For Wednesday you should pre-read chapter 3, section 1 and 2. Answer the following question on loose-leaf paper:

How do the earth's revolution and tilt affect the seasons?

Also, check out this video on hurricane's


watch the video entitled: "Hurricane dust"

Post a comment...

Friday, September 4, 2009

Oh no, it rocked the Philen scale...

Hi class,

Week 2 done-ditty-done-done-done...

Here are your homework questions to answer on loose-leaf paper:

1) How do the winds and the ocean distribute heat on the earth's surface?

2) Why is water such a valuable renewable resource?

3) Describe what happens with the hydrologic cycle.

4) Discuss how the tectonic plates affect our biosphere.

5) Differentiate between the three types of plate boundaries.

Now, check out this video and post a comment:

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Also, please pre-read Chapter 2, section 4. You will have a quiz after we return from Lampool!!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

do the pangea...

Hi class,

great job on your first quiz! Keep up the hard work...

Answer the following questions on loose-leaf paper to hand in on Friday!!! Also, please pre-read chapter 2, section 3 and 4 for discussion on Friday...

-What are the elements of the biosphere?

-How might the Earth's inner core affect the biosphere? And, visa versa.

-Discuss the continental theory. How do you think this theory affected people? (think in societal terms...what we discussed in class today)